There is a very popular legend on ancient poet Kalidasa. It says he was dumb before enlightened by goddess Kali. To prove Kalidasa’s dumbness, the legend goes on to say that he would sit on the very same branch of a tree that he would cut.
If pre-enlightened Kalidasa was dumb, so is the modern man. What are we doing to ourselves and our fellow creatures? Killing the planet where we live -- poisoning the air we breathe, water we drink and food we take.
Even after doing all possible damage to eco system, it is not yet time to revert. Climate change talks are flavour of the season and it seems the developed nations will go on talking endlessly until the earth collapses.
Climate change summits themselves have become rituals. Each summit comes up with a framework, protocol or a roadmap for the industrialized nations, which are reluctant to own the responsibility of the damage they have caused to the planet in the mad rush towards ‘development’. The question is how to save ourselves from the damage we have caused to the earth by thoughtless industrialization and the answer is simple -- cutting down green-house gas emission levels.
Now the key framework for the climate change talks, the
The basic underlying cause of all environment-related problems is the man’s vanity, which makes him think that he has a legitimate right over whatever he beholds and to make any change for his convenience without owning up the consequences of the deeds.
All talks on climate change will start bearing fruit only when man accepts his rightful place in this world -- one among the crores of other species inhabiting the planet. The conflict between man and nature will continue until he goes on thinking that he can exploit the earth, its resources and other creatures for his own selfish ends, just because he happens to be most ‘intelligent’.
In this thoughtless race towards self-destruction, the so-called intelligent modern man has made the earth a ‘poisonous planet’ using his scientific knowledge. Science has definitely made man think rationally. But he has used it only partially for his convenience -- to make a change and not to make amends to the consequent changes.
In this context, I should tell you about a temple ritual practiced since time immemorial in Kerala. Before felling a tree for a temple flag-staff, people associated with the temple will seek the tree’s ‘permission’ and that of all the creatures living on it. Further, in respect of the tree, they take due care that it does not touch the ground from where it has grown tall over the years.
One can term this as a primitive and unscientific ritual, which does not serve any purpose. But the thought behind it is solemn -- whosoever framed this ritual found man as part of the eco system and not above it.